Want a Better Life? Build Better Habits

Adrian Quintina
5 min readApr 6, 2022


Every journey and every step starts with one step.

People often think that change has to be huge and monumental.

Some people also think that habits and change need to start with a large and life-changing step.

While this could be true, it usually doesn’t work like that for everyone. Don’t be ashamed of the small steps and don’t think they aren’t as important. Start with small steps and work towards the bigger ones. Many small steps can also equal larger steps.

Your life can change permanently with small steps just as they can with large steps. Remember that small steps are also easier to make habits with. For example, if you want to start eating healthy, you should take the steps slowly. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables while still eating some of the foods you normally eat. If you throw away all the diet stables you’re used to and try to only eat healthily, you might find that this diet and habit aren’t sustainable.

The same goes for reading, journaling, or making new life routines. You might still find some comfort in your old routines and habits and that’s okay. You can still incorporate new habits into your old routine instead of overhauling everything you’re used to.

Just make sure you have strategies for moving forward and you are consistently moving forward with these strategies.

Make sure to always reward yourself when it comes to making and forming new habits. Rewarding yourself might seem silly at the beginning, but you are your biggest supporter during this time of change.

The rewards can be small or large, just always make sure you are giving yourself space and time to accept the rewards. Giving yourself rewards will also ensure you make an immediate practice of the habit because you will look forward to the rewards.

Try to make new habits easy instead of overwhelming yourself with huge changes. For example, if you want to spend more time exercising, you might want to consider spending time exercising at home for only 20 minutes a day before hitting up the gym for hours at a time.

If you go too far in too quickly, you will find yourself overworked and not ready to take on the challenge. Don’t underestimate how much a small habit can make a difference.

The best way to form new habits is to think about the habits you need to uncover your potential. What habits do you need to start your new career? What habits do you need to form to get you where you need to go?

Experts have come up with four questions to ask yourself when forming new habits. These questions can help you learn to form new habits with small steps:

● How can I make it easy? How can you make your new habit easy to follow? If you make it too hard or out of reach, you will see that the habit will quickly drop out of your mind, and you won’t feel encouraged to keep it.

● How can I make it attractive? How can you make the habit attractive to follow? If you enjoy doing it, you will be more likely to follow it. Of course, not all new habits can be exciting. Try to make new habits attractive in at least one area though.

● How can I make it obvious? The habit needs to be obvious and memorable so that you follow it. For example, if you want to start taking supplements every day, put them in an easy-to- see spot near water where you will remember to take them as you’re drinking.

● How can I make it satisfying? Think of ways you can make the new habit satisfying and rewarding. This will encourage you to follow it and make it even more of a practice than before.

These four rules will not make every new habit immediately, but they will help you to stay on track to your goals faster. It will also help you do what you say you’re going to do. By moving step by step, you will keep yourself encouraged and ready to take on every new day.

Once you have the new habit, you can start increasing it in small ways. Start small and build on small as well. As you build the habits up, try breaking them into small sections to make them easier to remember. Keeping the habits, a reasonable size will ensure you are building the right amount of momentum. For example, if you want to work out 40 minutes a day but don’t think you’ll feel up to it, you can work out twice in 20-minute sections. You can also break the exercises up into reps so that it goes by quicker and easier.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you slip up. If you lose control, you are fully capable of putting yourself back on track. Just make sure you put yourself back on your feet as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to get back on track.

Remember that making a plan for failure doesn’t mean you are anticipating and expecting failure. It just means that you are prepared for it and there is nothing wrong with ensuring you are prepared and ready.

Make a list of situations or emergencies that could potentially pull you off track. Knowing the situations that could distract you will help you better prepare for the future. Remember that it’s more important to be patient and consistent than it is perfect. Don’t strive for perfectionism because you will never get there. Just stay consistent in your habits.

Make sure you are sticking to your pace and plan. As long as you are sticking to a pace for making new habits that you can handle, you shouldn’t have any problem staying on track with your habits, the small ones, and the big ones.

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Adrian Quintina

Helping Women Stop Self Sabotaging to Glow Up and Thrive. Certified Coach, Speaker, Bestselling Author, Mompreneur, Traveling Enthusiast, @realfearlessher