Unlocking your Full Potential in a Few Easy Steps

Adrian Quintina
4 min readApr 4, 2022

If you are looking to unlock your full potential, you might be wondering the first steps you can take to attract all the desires you have into your life. Unlocking your potential might seem complicated if you are unsure how to start the process. If you have been stuck in a dead-end job or other life ruts, unlocking your full potential now is more important than ever before.

Potential is also different for every unique person. You need to define what potential looks like for you as it might be different for you than for other people in your life. If your process looks different than the other people around you, try not to put too much thought into it or compare yourself to others. Unlocking your full potential is a personal journey that shouldn’t be compared to the others around you.

If you aren’t sure how to become the ideal version of yourself, the best rule of thumb to follow is to focus as much as you can. You need to have a clear focus on what you want so that you can focus on each and every day. Try to start your day and end your day thinking about this ideal self that you want to become.

Sometimes you also have to do a little bit of pretending. You won’t magically become a new person overnight. Think about how you want your reactions to be to every situation or what you want your life to look like. Pretend you are already that person as soon as you have a clear vision of what you to be like.

Once you have this ideal version of yourself created, you can move on to the official first step of unlocking your potential.

If there are some things in your life that you can’t control that are keeping you unmotivated, just try to let them go. Trying to hang onto them will cause the process to last much longer than it needs to. One easy way to commit to reaching your full potential is to set goals. Without goals, you won’t be able to see the progress you are making.

If you have clearly defined goals, you can track your progress and know you are doing the best you can. Don’t just write down the goals, write down how you achieve them. Without clear instructions to follow, you might continue to struggle with not being able to get on track.

Also, avoid derailing the process by procrastinating. Procrastination will only lead you to failure and the inability to attract all the desires you want and need. Struggling to see something through is hard for everyone, so don’t get discouraged if you are struggling to make your actions real. Just try to stay on track and let go of the things you can’t control.

Remember that intentions are only half the commitment. You need to put those intentions into place and start your actions today and that you won’t always feel like committing to the process. Don’t stop and give up! Once you put in the effort to keep going with it, you will unlock more and more of your potential every day.

Last but not least, be sure you listen to positive opinions and surround yourself with those who have light in them. Telling other people about your process and goals will ensure you have some accountability. If you are doing someone on your own, it’s easy to simply give it up. No one will know you even started so it will be easy to simply change your plan or track. If you tell other people though, you will be held accountable. If you are struggling or need help, they can also encourage you on the days you feel down.

It is possible to reach your full potential wit perseverance, focus, and effort. You owe it to yourself to live your best life living up to your full potential. You got this!

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Adrian Quintina

Helping Women Stop Self Sabotaging to Glow Up and Thrive. Certified Coach, Speaker, Bestselling Author, Mompreneur, Traveling Enthusiast, @realfearlessher